Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Happy Fabrics

Sara recently completed the cover quilt from Lori Holt's new book, Quilty Fun.  My granddaughter, who is 1-1/2, took one look and said, "Happy!"  That sums it up pretty well!

Sara used a lot of fabrics from Riley Blake in this cheerful quilt. We've got ton lots of playful fabrics in lately, and we think it will make you think Spring!

This is Sewing Box by Gina Martin for Moda.

This is a little softer, but it definitely says Spring!  From Studio E.

We have shelves of minis from Timeless Treasures.  These are the two latest...awwwww!

Todays new arrivals really say Happy.  Literally!


  1. Glad to see you are back blogging. It takes longer but there is so much more to a blog.

  2. I just subscribed via email to get your latest updates!

  3. Thanks you guys! It is encouraging to blog when you know someone is reading it! I'll do my best to blog more!
